豪派人将致力于打造“hopi ”牌毛条褥子等级高于同级别市场信誉品质,本公司一贯坚持诚信服人的原则经营企业
我们愿以更优质的产品质量,更优良的服务参与国内市场的竞争,热忱欢迎客商与我公司洽谈贸易, 真诚合作,共谋发展。
wenzhou lucheng liucaifeng shoes accessories shop (formerly known as wenzhou fur haopai leather shoes clothing business)
the company is located in the reputation of "world shoes" china. wenzhou, the company is a professional production and processing raccoon mink fox rabbit lamb fur and leather shoes dress of the company
haopao people is committed to build "the hopi" brand woolen sliver plate grade credit quality is higher than the same level market, the company always adhere to the principle of good faith to him business
our main products are textiles categories: wool top, the whole skin, fur, etc. including the fox, raccoon, mink, otter, lamb, lamb, australian sheep and added to the raw materials, such as all kinds of high middle-grade leather. processing the above products can be customized according to customer requirements.
company has consistently adhered to "quality first, customer supreme, quality service, abides by the contract" purpose, with high quality products, good reputation, high quality service, products sold throughout the country.
our company adhere to the "heavy quality, keeping reputation" principle, the implementation of "quality win" development strategy.
we would like to high-quality product quality, excellent service to participate in the domestic market competition, warmly welcome customers with my company to negotiate business, sincere cooperation and seek common development.
a d d : zhejiang wenzhou lucheng road 185alley no. 26
tel and fax : 0577-89501685 153 5653 9199
- 所在地区:浙江省温州市鹿城区
- 行业分类:皮革、毛皮、羽绒及其制品业
- 地址:浙江省温州市鹿城区鹿城路185弄26号温州天都大酒店西侧温州皮草豪派皮草鞋服商行
- 邮编:325000
所在地:湖南省郴州市经营范围:园林绿化工程 园林树木移植 人工苗木移栽养护 农户直供草皮苗 所在地:广西经营范围:油茶苗 坚果苗 百香果苗 余甘果苗 三华李苗 柠檬苗 八角苗 所在地:河北省沧州市经营范围:主营产品:人造草坪、运动草坪、休闲装饰草坪、工程围挡草坪、塑 所在地:河北省石家庄市经营范围:铁路水泥枕收购 再生物资回收 草皮钉U型钉 所在地:河北省石家庄市经营范围: 草坪 综合性公司 场地铺设器材 花卉种子、种苗 乔木 其 所在地:其它经营范围:甜味剂(纽甜,新甲基橙皮苷二氢查尔酮,甘草酸铵、一钾、三钾, 所在地:江苏省南京市经营范围:橙皮苷,柚皮素,槲皮素,丹参酮,欧前胡素,黄芩苷以及植物提取 所在地:经营范围:计算机、通信和消费类电子产品外围设备及周边衍生制品的研发、设 所在地:福建省泉州市经营范围:藤、铁、竹、木、草、柳、棕、陶瓷、玻璃、塑料、氧化镁、树脂、 所在地:福建省泉州市经营范围:铁、藤、竹、木、草、柳、棕、陶瓷、玻璃、塑料、氧化镁、树脂、 所在地:福建省泉州市经营范围:铁、藤、竹、木、草、柳、棕、陶瓷、玻璃、塑料、氧化镁、树脂、 所在地:四川省成都市经营范围:销售:体育用品、塑胶跑道材料、电教设备、仪器仪表、健身器材、 所在地:辽宁省沈阳市经营范围:草坪、苗木、花卉、草皮、乔木、灌木 所在地:江苏省苏州市经营范围:草、柳、竹、藤、芒、玻璃、铁、塑料、布、香包、玩具工艺品销售